
Sunday, February 22, 2015

It's Time to Meal Prep Ladies!

Hot Damn!

I have just been slaving away over here!

You know, just meal prepping my way through my Sunday!

Ok, not really. It literally took me a total of 2 hours to shop, chop & store. That included hitting up both Trader Joe's and Safeway before the crazy Sunday afternoon rush and high tailing it back home.

As I mentioned in yesterdays post, I am gearing up to start the 5 day slim down from the TONE IT UP program tomorrow and I am not messing around here folks!

I am a firm believer that to have any success you must PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!
For me that means filling the fridge with everything I need to keep it healthy and easy enough that I can just grab and go!

I took a thorough scan of the 5 Day Slim Down plan and hit the ground running! As I mentioned above Trader Joe's was my first pit stop this morning. It's pretty much routine that I hit there first to check what I can off my list, because TJ's has some crazy good prices! I load up on fresh juices, veggies, some basic fruit (banana, apples, oranges) & any odds and ends like hummus, almond butter, etc. I then dropped by Safeway for the items I couldn't find at traders, like rice paper wraps & collard greens.

 Check out the 5 day line up ...

Do you see all of this freshness!!! It's like a rainbow of good health!!! 

Seriously though, I feel healthier just looking at all of this goodness! And knowing that this is what I will be fueling my body with this week makes me want to scream from the rooftops ... Yay Me! 

I kept my prep simple as I didn't want to jump too far ahead. Oh and a quick SIDE NOTE (I know, it's highly likely I am ADD) did I mention I talked my little Riley girl into joining me on this TONE IT UP adventure:) I'm so excited!! I can't think of a more powerful way to show her how important it is to take care of your body then to lead by example! To be able to share with her what it means to fuel your body with healthy whole foods and create the habit to move your body daily makes me GIDDY! Ok, back to prep. 

So as I was saying, I kept prep pretty simple. I focused on prepping what I would need in the early AM as that is typically when I am a walking zombie and don't want to have to think too long or too hard! I went ahead and made up our BOMBSHELL SPELL SHOTS to for go needing to measure out anything at 6AM. I was hoping to find some mini mason jars to store these but had no such luck. I settled for these mini GLAD containers and I have to say they worked out perfectly. They are exactly 1/2 cup serving which is pretty much the serving for the shot, so TWO THUMBS UP! This little concoction is the first thing you sip on in the AM. Not only does it help jumpstart the metabolism, it also aids in digestion and energizes you! And I LOVE the name!!

As we all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it would only make sense that I prep some good healthy options for us. I whipped up a dozen egg white frittata muffins and a couple servings of protein pancakes to heat up and serve over the next couple of days! CONFESSION ~ I have yet to order the TONE IT UP PERFECT FIT PROTEIN POWDER and I definitely plan to as it  is a plant based protein. I recently learned that I have an allergy to WHEY which is crazy considering how much I supplemented with it during my competition trainings (defiantly explains the constant bloating and uncontrollable breakouts). Needless to say breakfast for the next few days is served and looks pretty YUMMY!

 I am fortunate enough to be able to stop home for lunch most days, so for me it's all about having everything in the fridge so I can grab and go. I cooked up 4 chicken breasts two ways, I simply poached and shredded two breasts and slapped a homemade spicy mustard marinade on the other two and baked them up. This will be the perfect mid day protein to throw into a BIKINI WRAP or toss into a salad. I have to admit my current lunch menu is pretty darn close to this minus the occasional bowl of PHO #sorrynotsorry! But it never occurred to me to use collard greens to create a wrap, PRETTY BRILLIANT HUH?! 

The leaves are extra large and a heck of a lot sturdier than the romaine leaves I have used in the past. 

I removed the stem, gave them a quick rinse and stored them in the fridge for a quick 1...2... wrap it up BIKINI WRAP RECIPE! 

As I mentioned the 5 DAY SLIM is a little more structured, the daily menu is all about LEAN, CLEAN & GREEN. The morning is more for fruits & protein, the afternoon is LEAN PROTEINS & CLEAN GREEN VEGETABLES! 

This is only for 5 days, the benefit is to simply kickstart your system and help in creating those good for you HEALTHY HABITS! After the SLIMDOWN, the GOOD FOR YOU CARBS & HEALTHY FATS are reintroduced:) 

So there you have it, my simple Sunday prep! I typically cook dinner in the evenings for my family, so it will be simple enough for me to bake up and piece of fish and roast some veggies for my LEAN & GREEN DINNERS.

So here we go....

I'm all ready for tomorrow:) I've got my alarm set 30 minutes early for my BOOTY CALL WORKOUT and will be walking out the door as I head to work with some pre made protein & fruit!

I plan to check in daily through out the 5 day slim down, so stay tuned for tomorrows post! As always if you have an food prep questions I'm here to help!

Here's to getting healthy & happy,


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