
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Fit, Fierce & Fabulous - My 5 DAY SLIM DOWN RECAP!

Can I just say how happy I am that Spring is just a 20 short days away!! I am READY!

Well I take that back, I am getting READY!

I can honestly say I am not quite ready to shed the dark layer of elastic that I have been hibernating in these last few months, but give me a few months of solid focus and I'll be ready for CUTOFFS SEASON:)

You know the saying #SUMMERBODIESAREMADEINTHEWINTER, everyone putting in the work now so they can shed a couple of layers of clothing in the summer months and feel good in their BIKINIS! Admittedly as much as I love SUMMER, I have never been one to prance around in my bathing suit. Some years have been better than others, but more often than not I haven't felt comfortable letting it all hang out. The last few years have definitely been a bit of a turning point for me as I have gained more confidence not only in my body physically but acceptance in parts of my body that I once loathed. I have realized that that there are certain areas I will never be able to change about my body, but what I can change is my mindset and actions! I can't control my height or the size of my hips, but I can control shaping my legs to be lean and strong and my belly to be flat by watching what I eat.


I made a simple vow to myself this year when I decided not to train for a competition in 2015, that I would work towards creating a body that I am both proud of and feel strong in with out drastic measures. This means creating a well balanced health & fitness routine that WORKS FOR ME. I want to wake up each day with a plan in place. I want to fuel my body with healthy nutritious foods & allow the occasional treat for balance and peace of mind. LIFE IS TOO DAMN SHORT TO LIVE ON CHICKEN & SWEET POTATOES YEAR ROUND! I want a work out routine that offers variety, gives back to my body and doesn't force me to have the ALL OR NOTHING MENTALITY and did I mention IS FUN! I want to be surrounded by a community of free spirited, down to earth & highly motivated women who share daily inspiration to help push me along! I also made a vow that I wouldn't spend hundreds of dollars on programs that didn't line up with everything I mentioned above!

So let's talk timing a bit ... the last two months I have felt a little all over the map. I started off January thinking I was going to be training once again for the 2015 Emerald Cup, but quickly realized that both the timing was not right and my heart just wasn't in it this year. It was a difficult decision to make and one that kind of left me feeling like OKAY, NOW WHAT! I continued through the end of January and Febuary feeling a little disheveled with my routine. I was sort of going through the motions doing a little food tracking here, a little weight lifting there, but no solid plan ~


So when I say let's talk a bout timing .... I'm referring to the PERFECT timing that I just happen to come across my old BEACH BABE DVD, that tempted me to throw it in for my daily workout, that then sparked my curiosity as to why I never gave the TONE IT UP program a fair chance several years ago when I first purchased it! That then pushed me to pull it out and spend some time rereading the program and researching the new updated editions! To discover that the TONE IT UP program is exactly what I am needing right now! All of this "PERFECT TIMING" led me to kicking off this last week with the 5 DAY SLIMDOWN, which led me to reigniting my DETERMINATION to want to push forward and make 2015 my healthiest, happiest year yet!

So here it is my RECAP of the 5 DAY SLIM DOWN...

This past week has not only sparked my determination, but it also helped my realign my priorities and got me back to a few healthy habits that I had lost sight of. Like setting my alarm a little earlier than normal to give myself enough time to START MY DAY with a quick CARDIO SESSION! Not only does this help me get some extra cardio in for the day, but it energizes my body & mind, as well as sets the tone for my day to help me continue on with my healthy decisions!

I have to say although not perfect as I had some social outings this past week, I stuck pretty darn close to the SLIMDOWN guidelines as far as the nutrition goes. I felt light and energized all week long, had zero digestive issues which is HUGE for me & got a at least 1 - 2 workouts in each day! Best part .... on Friday my husband said "honey you look really good, I can totally tell your program is working" WHOOP, WHOOP! HE NOTICED!!! I did weigh myself Saturday and all though I am ANTI SCALE GIRL, I knew it was important to get a read for the this 5 day RECAP so here you have it down a total 3.4lbs for the week!

As great as I feel and as a 3.4lb loss is, I am so excited to continue on with TONE IT UP lifestyle! I love that I can incorporate this with my BeachBody Coaching and continue to utilize my favorite BB workout programs too! I've already began setting up this next week with both my workouts & meal prepping. I plan to stick with several of the SLIMDOWN recipes and add in a few of the TONING recipes from the plan too!

I stayed motivated throughout the 5 DAY SLIMDOWN by staying connected to the TIU COMMUNITY! Every morning I would head to the TONE IT UP App on my phone to see the workout of the day, do a quick read of their latest blog post & check the TIU community feed to see how the other TIU members were staying motivated. Seeing their posts on instagram inspired me to keep pushing and get creative my with meals & workouts! This will definitely be part of my NEW MORNING ROUTINE!!

I also just pre ordered Katrina & Karena's new book Fit, Fierce & Fabulous which releases in May and I can't wait to read it! I absolutely loved this beautifully written statement they posted describing the Fit, Fierce & Fabulous Girl!

I'm definitely on a my way to becoming a Fit, Fierce & Fabulous girl!

Thank you for following my along this last week! Looking forward to sharing more of my journey with you;)

Here's to getting healthy & happy,


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